300+ Vegan Based Cook Book!


Want to prepare quick and delectable vegan meals but lack the knowledge to do so?

300+ Vegan Based Cook Book!

The motivation behind the Veggie lover Based Cook Book is to spread information about the three principal principles of veganism.

  • Health
  • Animal Welfare
  •  Environmental Conservation.


Today, it is generally accepted that a vegetarian diet is the most effective way to cure, control, or avoid a number of illnesses. Numerous diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, stoutness, malignant growth, hypersensitivity, lactose intolerance, and gluten intolerance, have been proven to benefit from a vegetarian diet.

#2.Animal Welfare:

The veggie-lover diet promotes animal government assistance by avoiding animal agriculture and, as a result, abstaining from the terrible cruelty and animal exploitation inherent in the meat, egg, and dairy industries.

#3.Environmental Conservation:

To a large extent, the destruction of countless species of diverse vegetation, contaminated waterways, and fundamentally increased greenhouse gas emissions are all directly related to animal farming.



A vegan diet reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease by 20%. Vegans are less likely to suffer from obesity, cancer, or heart disease. Plant-based products do not contain cholesterol. A vegan has an average cholesterol level of 161, whereas non-vegans have a level of 210. 


One can reduce their intake of saturated fats, which are known to clog pores,  by  ingesting fewer animal products. A number of the vitamins, pigments, and phytochemical that are included in fruits and vegetables also support healthy skin.


Along with reducing the intake of animal products, saturated fats must also be avoided because they are known for clogging pores. A number of the vitamins, pigments, and phytochemical that are included in fruits and vegetables also support healthy skin.

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